How I fund my creative endeavors
Over the past month or so I've been trying to work out how I was going to afford the extra cost of having a website for my blog, which will eventually host more content. This is something I believe many of us creators run into, especially early on in a project.
There are several ways someone can go about to fund any project. Here are a few of them, self funded, sponsored, and externally funded.
In this case I'm self funding my endeavors. This helps me to keep control of what I'm doing without an external force potentially pushing me in one direction or another. That is really the main benefit to fund anything yourself for a project. Most people would fall into this because they don't have the following, or an idea that would attract sponsors, or funding from other external sources for one reason or another.
Currently I find the challenge to figure out how I'm going to fund my website to be an exciting one. My idea for how I'm going to self fund this project is not about pulling from my savings, but to fund it by selling, and reselling items on places like eBay or Facebook marketplace. The website will cost me about $40 a month at this current point in time. This actually a small initial cost for any project, but from there that forced budget will grow. I have plans for more projects and upgrades to some of my equipment that I have for content creation.
Several years ago I had made an extra $3000 just from buying items at thrift stores and selling them on eBay, Poshmark, and Facebook marketplace. While I will not be going to the extent I did for that year or so, I will be dipping back into that skill set for this project, and I will be taking you along for the ride.
At this current point in time I have a few older computers that are still good. They just need some storage added and maybe even an operating system installed. These will be a great start, and will get "The Alexander Archives" off the ground. I work in IT so my skill sets fall into this start quite nicely.
The thing I do find to be interesting is that a lot of people don't see how sometimes you need to some external work from something outside of your dreams, or endeavors can be needed. It might feel like a limitation, and it can be at times, but it also can help you take the first steps towards where you want to be. It's only if you need to get a job, or do a small side gig to help you move forward. These are needed at times and they aren't really a step backwards like it might seem.
To achieve your dreams you will need to work for them. If it were easy, it wouldn't be a dream you'd want to achieve.